Get actionable insights, fast

With a user-friendly platform and versatile functionalities, FeedbackLabs makes it easy to start capturing the input you need in a matter of minutes.

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Image: Channel Name

Create a channel and select the
type of feedback you want to gather

From your Dashboard, click on the ‘New Channel’ button to create a new Feedback Channel. Name your channel and select the survey type you want to use. You can choose between a number of different surveys for every need, and soon we'll be adding even more.

Don’t see your preferred survey type? Let us know,
and we’ll make it happen!

Choose how you want to gather your feedback

Improve your response rates by engaging customers and other stakeholders right where they are — on the device and platforms they already know and use.

With FeedbackLabs, you can collect stakeholder feedback through email, on your website, and on mobile devices. Or use people segmenting to survey your stakeholders in the moment across multiple channels.

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Customize the look and feel of your survey

Use our editor to customize your survey, including colors, the shape and style of buttons, and FeedbackLabs branding visibility. Upload your company logo to reinforce your brand (we support PNG, JPG, and GIF files).

You have full control over email details, including the sender's name, from and reply-to email addresses, subject line, as well as the main rating question.

Ask a follow-up question, get more context

After your respondents answer the main rating question, give them an opportunity to share more about their experience. Either show the same follow-up question to everyone in a specific channel or show different questions based on scores.

Display a custom thank-you message to the user after they provide feedback to encourage them to follow you on social media, leave a review, or refer a friend.

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Invite people to share their feedback

Finally, add the list of contacts who should receive invites to provide feedback. You can upload a CSV file or copy-paste a list of emails, whichever works best for you.

Control how frequently contacts receive invites. Either use your channelsto send a one-time request to each person or use our built-in Scheduler to gather continuous feedback over time.

Analyze feedback in real-time and take action

Monitor all incoming feedback as it rolls in on your Feedback Feed, surface timely insights, and take fast, appropriate action.

Track your survey opens, completions, and other metrics in real-time. Set up automatic email notifications and Slack alerts so you and your team can address feedback instantaneously.

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Transform your business with actionable feedback

Leverage FeedbackLabs to convert more prospects, create happier customersand employees, and drive product-led growth.

Get Started — It’s Free to Try!
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Image: Let them know

Deliver better
products and services

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Product Feedback

Get insights into how your product is functioning, and find out what your customers like and don’t like.

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UX Feedback

Capture user insights quickly and painlessly at every stage of the design process.

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Website and App Feedback

Find out what people think about using your website or app and whether they can find relevant information easily.

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Features Roadmap

What features should be added or removed? Develop products based on certainty and not on gut feeling.

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Quality Control

Track the delivery of each product or service in detail as it happens. Guarantee quality results every time.

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Prevent churn
and get more conversions

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Incident Management

Prevent churn and save an unhappy customer from leaving by addressing negative feedback immediately.

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Churned Customers

Uncover what changes your company needs to make to never lose another customer again.

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Conversion Rate

Run surveys to uncover insights into why potential customers aren't converting and what you can do about it.

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Understand prospects, create accurate marketing personas, and optimize lead generation and nurturing campaigns.

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Keep your team
happy and productive

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Employee Satisfaction

Stop losing people that you've spent thousands on in hiring and training. Learn what you can do to make your team happier and decrease employee turnover.

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Employee Engagement

Empower collaboration and engagement across your entire organization by incorporating reviews and feedback from recruiting to exit surveys.

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Identify your team’s most urgent performance issues and remove the obstacles blocking them from working both effectively and efficiently.

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Team Development

Reveal knowledge and skill gaps in your team. Discover what kind of training and support your people need to develop their skills and continue to work effectively.

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Image: Feedback Channels

Get answers.
Get smarter.

Gain the insights you need to make smarter decisions by securely collecting, sharing, and collaborating on feedback.

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